If your Laravel project is already on a version control system (such as Git), you can also follow these steps to deploy it to a Linux server more efficiently:
- SSH into your Linux server:
Use an SSH client such as PuTTY (for Windows) or the Terminal (for macOS/Linux) to connect to your server.
- Pull the latest changes from your Git repository:
Navigate to the directory where you want to deploy your Laravel project on the server.
Use the git clone command to clone your project repository if it is not already on the server.
Use the git pull origin master command to pull the latest changes from your repository.
- Install Composer dependencies:
Run composer install in the root directory of your Laravel project to install the required dependencies.
- Set up environment variables:
Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.
Update the database and other configuration settings in the .env file.
- Generate an application key:
Run php artisan key:generate to generate a new application key.
- Set file permissions:
Ensure that storage and bootstrap/cache directories have the correct permissions. You can use commands like chmod to set the permissions.
- Configure the web server:
Set up the web server configuration to point to the public directory of your Laravel project.
For Apache, you may need to set the DocumentRoot to the public directory.
For Nginx, update the server block configuration to point to the index.php file in the public directory.
- Restart the web server:
Restart your web server to apply the changes made to the configuration.
For Apache, you can use sudo systemctl restart apache2.
For Nginx, you can use sudo systemctl restart nginx.
Your Laravel project should now be deployed and accessible on your Linux server. You can visit the server's IP address or domain name in a web browser to access your Laravel application.