How to run Discourse on Linode?


by adelia , in category: Installation & Upgrades , 8 months ago

How to run Discourse on Linode?

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1 answer


by albert , 8 months ago


To run Discourse on Linode, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Linode account and create a new Linode instance.
  2. Install the necessary software stack: SSH into your Linode instance using a terminal or SSH client. Update the package manager: sudo apt update Install Docker: sudo apt install Add the user to the docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER Log out and log back in to apply the group changes.
  3. Configure your Linode instance: Set up a domain name or subdomain that will be used to access your Discourse installation. Set up DNS records to point your domain/subdomain to the IP address of your Linode instance.
  4. Clone the Discourse source code: Create a new directory for Discourse: mkdir ~/discourse Clone the Discourse repository: git clone ~/discourse
  5. Configure Discourse: Change to the Discourse directory: cd ~/discourse Copy the sample configuration file: cp samples/standalone.yml containers/app.yml Edit the configuration file: nano containers/app.yml Set the DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME value to your domain/subdomain. Set other configurations if needed (e.g., SMTP email settings). Save and exit the file.
  6. Start Discourse: Run the Discourse setup script: ./discourse-setup Follow the instructions provided by the setup script: Enter your email address. Enter a strong password for the Discourse admin account. Choose whether to enable Let's Encrypt SSL. Wait for the setup process to complete.
  7. Access Discourse: After the setup process finishes, you should be able to access your Discourse installation by visiting your domain/subdomain in a web browser.

That's it! You now have Discourse running on Linode. You can customize and manage your Discourse installation through the web interface.