How to ssh into the Minikube Node?


by adolf , in category: General Help , a year ago

How to ssh into the Minikube Node?

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2 answers


by emie , a year ago


To SSH into the Minikube node, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Start the Minikube cluster by running the command minikube start.
  3. Once the Minikube cluster is up and running, obtain the IP address of the Minikube node by running the command minikube ip. Note the IP address returned by this command.
  4. Use the SSH command to connect to the Minikube node. The SSH command syntax is ssh
  5. If this is your first time connecting to the Minikube node, you may be prompted to add the host to your known hosts. Type yes to continue.
  6. Enter the password for the specified username when prompted. By default, the password for the docker user is tcuser.

You should now be logged into the Minikube node via SSH. You can execute commands and perform operations on the node as desired.

by ari.olson , a year ago


Please note that in Minikube, SSH access to the node is not enabled by default for security reasons. If you want to enable SSH access to the node, you can do so by using the minikube ssh command. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Start the Minikube cluster by running the command minikube start.
  3. Once the Minikube cluster is up and running, run the command minikube ssh to SSH into the Minikube node.
  4. You should now be logged into the Minikube node via SSH.

Keep in mind that using minikube ssh is the recommended way to SSH into the Minikube node as it handles the necessary configurations and security considerations for you.