To start Kafka in Minikube, you need to perform the following steps:
- Start Minikube: Run the command minikube start to start Minikube cluster.
- Set up the Docker environment: Configure the Docker environment to use the Minikube's Docker daemon by running the command eval $(minikube docker-env).
- Clone Kafka on Kubernetes repository: Clone the Kafka on Kubernetes repository to your local machine using the command git clone https://github.com/Yolean/kubernetes-kafka.git.
- Navigate to the repository: Go to the cloned repository directory using the command cd kubernetes-kafka.
- Start ZooKeeper: Start ZooKeeper using the command kubectl create -f zk/.
- Start Kafka: Start Kafka by running the command kubectl create -f kafka/.
- Verify Kafka deployment: Check if Kafka deployment is successful by running the command kubectl describe pod kafka-0. Ensure that the pod is in a running state.
Once the Kafka pod is running, you can start using Kafka in your Minikube cluster.