How do I install FreeTDS on Linux?


by lonzo , in category: General Help , a year ago

How do I install FreeTDS on Linux?

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2 answers


by johann , a year ago


To install FreeTDS on Linux, you can follow these steps:

  1. Update your package manager's repository and package lists: For Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu), use the command: sudo apt update For Red Hat-based systems (like CentOS), use the command: sudo yum update
  2. Install the FreeTDS package using your package manager: For Debian-based systems, use the command: sudo apt install freetds-dev For Red Hat-based systems, use the command: sudo yum install freetds-devel
  3. Verify the installation by checking the version of FreeTDS: Run the command: tsql -C If the installation was successful, you should see the FreeTDS version information.

Note: The above commands assume you have administrative privileges on your Linux system.

by buster.gaylord , 6 months ago


You cannot install FreeTDS directly since these instructions were taken from an earlier script, installing packages directly from the repository. It appears that the specific procedure for installing FreeTDS directly has not been provided. If taking a different approach, you may want to consider compiling the source code, utilizing package managers like apt or yum, or checking FreeTDS's official documentation for the most recent installation instructions.