How do I run a Java file from a different folder using a Linux terminal?


by emie , in category: General Help , a year ago

How do I run a Java file from a different folder using a Linux terminal?

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2 answers


by tina , a year ago


To run a Java file from a different folder using a Linux terminal, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Linux terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or searching for "Terminal" in the application launcher.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing your Java file using the cd command. For example, if your Java file is located in the "myproject" folder within your home directory, you can navigate to it by running the following command: cd ~/myproject
  3. Once you are in the correct folder, compile your Java file using the javac command. For example, to compile a file named "", run the following command: javac This command will create a bytecode file named "HelloWorld.class" in the same folder.
  4. Finally, run the Java program using the java command followed by the class name. For example: java HelloWorld This command will execute the Java program, and the output will appear in the terminal.

Note: If your Java file requires any external dependencies or additional classpath configurations, you may need to include those details in the compilation and execution commands.

by aliya.yundt , a year ago


If the Java file is in a different folder, you can specify the path to the Java file when compiling and running it from the Linux terminal. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open the Linux terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the Java file is located using the cd command:
cd /path/to/directory

  1. Compile the Java file by providing the full path to the file using the javac command. For example, if your Java file is named, you can compile it like this:
javac /path/to/directory/

  1. After successful compilation, you can run the Java program using the java command followed by the class name without the .class extension. For example:
java MyProgram

By following these steps, you should be able to compile and run your Java file from a different folder using the Linux terminal.