How to deploy Caligrafy on VPS?

by noemy.bosco , in category: Installation & Upgrades , 8 months ago

How to deploy Caligrafy on VPS?

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1 answer

by emerald.wunsch , 8 months ago


To deploy Caligrafy on a VPS (Virtual Private Server), you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up a VPS: Choose a VPS provider and create a new VPS instance. Ensure that the VPS meets the system requirements of Caligrafy, including the required versions of PHP, Node.js, and Composer.
  2. Connect to the VPS: SSH into your VPS using a terminal or an SSH client like PuTTY.
  3. Install the necessary dependencies: Update the system package manager and install required dependencies like PHP, MySQL/MariaDB, Node.js, and Composer. Make sure you follow the specific installation instructions for your operating system.
  4. Set up a web server: Install a web server like Nginx or Apache on your VPS. Configure the web server to serve your Caligrafy application from the appropriate directory. Ensure that the required PHP extensions are enabled in the web server configuration.
  5. Clone the Caligrafy repository: On your VPS, navigate to the desired directory where you want to deploy Caligrafy. Clone the Caligrafy repository using Git:
git clone

  1. Install PHP dependencies: Navigate to the Caligrafy directory and install the required PHP dependencies using Composer:
composer install

  1. Configure the environment: Copy the example environment file .env.example to .env and update the necessary configuration options in the .env file, such as database credentials, App URL, and other settings.
cp .env.example .env

  1. Generate an Application key: Generate a unique application key for your Caligrafy installation:
php artisan key:generate

  1. Migrate the database: Run the database migrations to create the necessary tables:
php artisan migrate

  1. Compile assets: Use Laravel Mix to compile the frontend assets, including CSS and JavaScript:
npm install
npm run prod

  1. Set up cron jobs: If Caligrafy requires any periodic tasks, set up cron jobs to run them at the specified intervals. Refer to the Caligrafy documentation for specific cron job requirements.
  2. Configure the web server: Configure your web server to point to the public directory of your Caligrafy installation as the web root. Restart the web server to apply the changes.
  3. Test your deployment: Access your VPS IP or domain through a web browser. You should see the Caligrafy installation, and you can follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup.

These steps should help you deploy Caligrafy on your VPS successfully.