How to deploy Joomla on VPS?


by lonzo , in category: Installation & Upgrades , 8 months ago

How to deploy Joomla on VPS?

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1 answer

by emerald.wunsch , 8 months ago


To deploy Joomla on a VPS (Virtual Private Server), you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a VPS provider: Select a VPS hosting provider that meets your requirements in terms of server resources, pricing, and support.
  2. Set up the VPS: Once you have signed up for a VPS plan, follow the provider's instructions to set up the VPS. This typically involves selecting the operating system (preferably Linux-based), configuring root access, and securing the server.
  3. Connect to the VPS: Use secure shell (SSH) to connect to your VPS. If you are using Windows, you can utilize tools like PuTTY or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
  4. Install LAMP stack: Joomla requires a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack. Install and configure each component by following the steps below: Linux: Update the package repository using the command "sudo apt update" (for Ubuntu/Debian-based systems) or "sudo yum update" (for CentOS/RHEL-based systems). Apache: Install Apache web server using the command "sudo apt install apache2" (Ubuntu/Debian) or "sudo yum install httpd" (CentOS/RHEL). Ensure Apache is running by typing "sudo systemctl start apache2" (Ubuntu/Debian) or "sudo systemctl start httpd" (CentOS/RHEL). MySQL: Install MySQL server using "sudo apt install mysql-server" (Ubuntu/Debian) or "sudo yum install mariadb-server" (CentOS/RHEL). Follow the on-screen instructions to set the root password. PHP: Install PHP and required modules with "sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql" (Ubuntu/Debian) or "sudo yum install php php-mysql" (CentOS/RHEL). Restart Apache for the changes to take effect: "sudo systemctl restart apache2" (Ubuntu/Debian) or "sudo systemctl restart httpd" (CentOS/RHEL).
  5. Create a MySQL database: Access MySQL with "sudo mysql -u root -p" (Ubuntu/Debian) or "sudo mysql -u root" (CentOS/RHEL), and create a database for Joomla using the following commands: CREATE DATABASE joomladb; CREATE USER 'joomlauser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON joomladb.* TO 'joomlauser'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT;

Replace "joomladb" with your preferred database name, "joomlauser" with your desired username, and "password" with a strong password.

  1. Download and install Joomla: Navigate to the Apache web root directory using "cd /var/www/html" and download the Joomla installation package using "sudo wget{version}/joomla_{version}_stable-". Replace "{version}" with the desired Joomla version.
  2. Extract the installation package: Unzip the downloaded package using "sudo unzip joomla_{version}_stable-" and move the extracted files to the document root using "sudo mv {extracted_files}/* /var/www/html". Replace "{extracted_files}" with the name of the folder created during extraction.
  3. Configure Joomla: Open a web browser and access your VPS's IP address or domain name. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the Joomla installation. Provide the MySQL database details (database name, username, password) when prompted.
  4. Finalize Joomla setup: After completing the installation, remove the "installation" directory using "sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/installation" to secure the Joomla installation.

That's it! You have successfully deployed Joomla on a VPS. You can now access your Joomla website by entering the VPS's IP address or domain name in a web browser.