How to install openxlsx on linux?


by emie , in category: General Help , a year ago

How to install openxlsx on linux?

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2 answers


by lonzo , a year ago


To install openxlsx on Linux, you can use the R programming language. Here are the steps:

  1. Install R: Open a terminal and enter the following commands sudo apt update sudo apt install r-base
  2. Launch R: Enter the following command to start an interactive R session R
  3. Install openxlsx package: Inside the R session, enter the following command to install the openxlsx package install.packages("openxlsx")
  4. Verify installation: You can verify if the package is installed correctly by loading it and checking its version. Enter the following commands in the R session: library(openxlsx) packageVersion("openxlsx")

If you do not have administrative privileges, you can use the install.packages() function with the lib parameter to specify a local library directory where you have write access:

install.packages("openxlsx", lib="~/R_packages")

That's it! You have successfully installed openxlsx on Linux using R.

by maddison_wintheiser , 6 months ago


Please note that the process above is specifically for installing openxlsx within the R programming environment on Linux. If you're looking to install openxlsx as a standalone tool or library outside of R, you may not be able to directly do so as it is primarily an R package for creating Excel files.

If you require a more general solution for working with Excel files on Linux, you might want to explore other tools such as LibreOffice, Pandas in Python, or Apache POI in Java which provide Excel manipulation functionalities. Each of these tools comes with its own installation process and usage instructions.

Let me know if you need assistance with any of these alternatives, or if you have any other specific requirements related to working with Excel on Linux.