How to run MODX on RackSpace?


by lonzo , in category: Installation & Upgrades , 8 months ago

How to run MODX on RackSpace?

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1 answer


by ethelyn , 8 months ago


To run MODX on Rackspace, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Rackspace account and login to your Rackspace Cloud Control Panel.
  2. Create a new server by clicking on the "Create Server" button.
  3. Select the desired server configuration (such as size, RAM, and storage) and choose your preferred operating system.
  4. Under the "Image" section, select a suitable Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu or CentOS, that is supported by MODX.
  5. Set a name for your server and choose a region for hosting.
  6. Configure the networking options as per your requirements.
  7. Select an SSH keypair for secure access to your server and set the root password.
  8. Review your server configuration and click on "Create Server" to provision it.
  9. Once the server is provisioned, you will receive the SSH credentials and server IP address in your email.
  10. Connect to your server using an SSH client (such as PuTTY for Windows or Terminal for macOS/Linux) using the provided credentials.
  11. Install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on your server. You can refer to the official MODX documentation for the specific requirements and installation steps.
  12. Configure Apache and MySQL to work with MODX by creating a virtual host and setting up the necessary database.
  13. Download the MODX installation package from the MODX website and upload it to your server using SFTP or SCP.
  14. Extract the MODX package in the document root of your virtual host.
  15. Run the MODX installer by accessing the website in your browser using the server IP or domain name.
  16. Follow the installer wizard to configure MODX and provide the necessary database details.
  17. Once the installation is complete, you can login to the MODX Manager and start building your website.

Note: It's recommended to consult the MODX documentation and Rackspace support for any specific setup or configuration details based on your specific needs and server setup.