Where can I deploy Express.js on GoDaddy?


by adelia , in category: Installation & Upgrades , 8 months ago

Where can I deploy Express.js on GoDaddy?

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1 answer


by albert , 8 months ago


To deploy an Express.js application on GoDaddy, you can follow these steps:

  1. Access your GoDaddy hosting account and navigate to the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Find the "File Manager" or "File Manager Tools" section and open it.
  3. Locate the public_html folder, which is the root directory for your website.
  4. Inside the public_html folder, create a new folder for your Express.js application. You can name it something like "myapp".
  5. Upload your Express.js application files (including the package.json and server.js files) to the "myapp" folder using the file manager's upload feature.
  6. Once the files are uploaded, go back to the cPanel dashboard and look for the "Advanced" section. Select "Node.js" or "Node.js Applications".
  7. In the Node.js Applications section, click on "Create Application".
  8. Fill in the details for your Express.js application: Set the Document Root to the path of your application's folder (e.g., /home/username/public_html/myapp). Choose the Node.js version that your application requires. Select the Application mode as "Production" (unless you specifically need to use "Development" mode). Set the Application URL which will be the URL for accessing your Express.js application.
  9. Click on "Create" to create the Node.js application.
  10. Go back to the "Node.js Applications" section, and you should see your newly created application listed. Click on "Run NPM Install" to install the application's dependencies.
  11. After the dependencies are installed, click on "Start" to start your Express.js application.
  12. You can now access your Express.js application using the Application URL you defined earlier.

Please note that these steps are based on GoDaddy's hosting environment. The exact steps and options may vary depending on the hosting plan you have with them. If you face any difficulties, it is recommended to reach out to GoDaddy's customer support for assistance.